Over the last 4 months or so I have had the absolute pleasure of “meeting” some amazing people on Twitter and have had the best laughs! Real roll on the floor laughing or ROFL as I see alot these days! Those of you that know me know I have a naughty sense of humour so I can only apologise if I offend anyone. Some of my Twitter buddies are already learning that! I just can’t help myself sometimes. *Grin* I even resorted to changing my Avatar to a nurse to nurse a sick goblin who had been involved in a hit and run - long story! The naughty little goblin has nicknamed me Nurse Randy now *can’t think why* … He is such a funny, cute and lovable creature. In Twitterworld I even stopped the night with him and he brought me tea and crumpets in bed!
I have also done a “Carry On Nurse” special - (you know who you are) to a lovely funny guy who I “met” on Twitter whilst going round Tescos on Friday night. Apparently I made him choke on his crisps when I replied to one of his tweets whilst I was in the sausage department. I ended up performing what is now known as the “Hymy thingy” on him! - all because I couldn’t think how to spell it and predictive text comes up with some weird suggestions - so funny! Thank you for making me laugh so much my cheeky patient!
I’ve got a lot to thank Twitter for. I don’t use it as a business tool which I know to be a powerful thing. It is purely for pleasure and I’m enjoying it tremendously.
If I hadn’t been following @BCCare I wouldn’t have been lucky to be picked out of a hat for an invitation to go to the Pink Party (to raise awareness of Breast Cancer) at the Sanctuary, Covent Garden on 5th October last (a year to the day that I was diagnosed) I was also one of the lucky 4 ladies who had a photo shoot with Reveal Magazine and a full pampering session, including hair and makeup so thank you Breast Cancer Care, especially Sheryl Plant who is absolutely lovely - she's a twitterer too! I also wouldn’t have met the wonderful the other ladies going through the same thing and the wonderful people who give up their valuable time to help BC sufferers. I was also lucky enough to win an Award for my first ever Blog, so thank you BC Care.
I have also met some lovely cat people, in particular @YourFirstPA (Laura) who, last September, tweeted that her one of her beloved 3 cats, Tawnie had been shot. It upset me so much and I tweeted her constantly for progress reports. Thankfully Tawnie made a complete recovery, but it was touch and go there for a couple of days. I was distraught (as was she) and I wanted to do something to help so sent her a donation towards the vet bill. Apparently this act of kindness made Laura cry but I can assure you I shed as many tears as her I think.
Completely out of the blue on Sunday afternoon I had a lovely comment on my first blog (last September) from someone I didn’t even know but who left their Twitter address. I immediately responded via Twitter and have made 2 new friends because of this, so thank you! Apparently the lady who left the comment had been recommended the legal secretarial services of another Twitterer, so she clicked on their timeline and apparently liked my Twitter name so started following me - amazing! See the power Twitter has, and it doesn’t just have to be for fun, it can be used for business too.
Chris @ChrisJHornby and I are having a Tweetup (meet-up) this coming Friday with a couple of twits we’ve never met before but feel like we know them! We're really looking forward to it.
My commute to London and back is such an enjoyable experience because of Twitter. The journey goes so quick that I’ve very nearly missed my stop on a few occasions. I was on a bus just before Christmas destined for the new Shopping Centre in the City and nearly ended up in Ilford (all due to Twitter!)
Thank you to all my special Twitter buddies (you know who you are) for making me laugh, cry and wet myself rolling on the floor laughing. I can’t possibly mention all of you, unless you want me to *wink*
My phone has never seen so much action!
My phone has never seen so much action!